Saturday, December 18, 2010

Favourite Finger Foods

If you're want to give your baby finger foods, but don't know what to use or try, here's a little list of things my daughter seems to find incredibly appetizing. Finger foods are great for developing your baby's fine motor and self feeding skills... just be sure to have a good bib on hand :)

Elysia's Favourites

Scrambled eggs
Peeled seedless grapes, cut in quarters
Cooked peas
Cooked black beans
Cooked whole wheat elbow noodles
Meijer brand little puffs
Banana slices
Home canned pears
Graham crackers (for a special treat)
Steamed carrots

I try to use finger foods at least once or twice a day as an "appetizer" before a meal, or a quick snack between. I try not to use Cheerios, crackers, and other snack foods because of their high sodium and sugar content. Have fun, and experiment with new things. I hope that by giving my daughter a large variety of tastes and textures, I am establishing healthy and adventurous eating habits. What are your baby's favourite foods?

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